Sustainable shopping is one of the many ways you can ensure you are doing your bit in fighting global warming. Additionally, the fashion industry is one of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions and many brands are trying to knuckle down on this. However, it isn’t just the fashion brands that need to make the changes to be more sustainable, it is also the consumer.
Thirty Wears
Thirty wears is something that many people are suggesting as we have been reliant on fast fashion brands in the past 10-15 years to replace clothes that we have only worn once. There are several reasons why people throw away their clothes after only wearing them one or two times. One of the main reasons is because of social media. People are worried about what others think and don’t want to be spotted wearing the same product.
If you are guilty of throwing clothes away because they have only been worn, you should try the thirty wears method. Try and stop yourself from wearing fast fashion brands and shop for brands that aim to be more sustainable. There are hundreds, if not thousands of brands that aim to be more sustainable. There will be brands that specialise including cheap men’s hoodies, tracksuits, t-shirts, dresses and many more so ensure you shop around.
Be More Informed
Another thing that you will need to do is shop around and consider the brands you purchase from. Educate yourself on the different brands that aim to be more sustainable. Additionally, you should familiarise yourself with the organic materials that are available to wear. You will be surprised by how many brands use organic materials and encourage a more sustainable lifestyle.
Thanks to the digital world, it is a lot easier to shop sustainably. All you need to do is browse the different fashion brands that produce organic clothing items. Moreover, you can just search “The best organic fashion brands for full tracksuits” or any other item that you may be looking for.
Change Your Shopping Attitude
It isn’t just fashion brands that need to be economically aware of their industry. It is also with the consumer as well. Gone are the days when you needed to buy brand-new clothes. Now, it is socially acceptable to buy second-hand clothes.
There are several ways to ensure you are being more sustainable when shopping for clothing. One of the first things you can do is to start shopping online on platforms such as Depop, eBay, Facebook Marketplace and many more.
It is believed that over 300,000 tonnes of clothing are thrown away each year instead of being recycled. If you start shopping on these sorts of platforms or at charity shops and you sell products you no longer want or take them to a charity shop.
Quality Over Quantity
To be more sustainable, you need to ensure you are buying high-quality clothing instead of cheap clothing. The only issue with this is that you will have to spend … Read More..